The UG Department of Political Science was established in the academic session 2017-18. Enjoys a great culture for both teaching and research in the discipline. Extremely rich in academic potential, comprising of experienced faculty & having a conducive atmosphere for students to register good academic excellence. Political Science includes studies of current events & both traditional & modern based studies of Political Science. . The major thrust areas of the Department are normative political theory, theorizing Indian Politics, International Politics, human rights issues, gender and development politics etc. As Political Science plays perpetuate role in competitive examinations, we have been providing classes to students to accelerate in the field of competitive examinations & basically in Civil Service examination since inception of the department. There are 24 seats available here. Our vision is to provide excellent teaching and educational facilities to the needs of its students and empower them to meet and exceed challenges both at national and international levels. Our mission is to provide the students with quality educational experiences in academic, research & competitive examinations.